First off, schools should switch to techbooks because they are much cheaper than a textbook. According to Philip Elliott, author for the Huffington Post “techbooks run between $38 and $55 for a six-year subscription as opposed to textbooks, they sell for about $70 per student” if schools switched to techbooks rather than keep textbooks all schools would save huge amounts of money that they could easily spend on other things to benefit the school.
Secondly, Textbooks are much lighter than Textbooks. And they reduce the strain of the backpack weight on your back and possible injuries. Liam Walsh shares an experience at Boston College High School “A weight off of his shoulders is lifted. No longer does he have to drag home Textbooks and notebooks, but he can have all that he needs in less than five pounds.” All in all, students will be happier and they will be more ready to face the day if they don’t have to drag around a heavy backpack.
Textbooks can hold hundreds of thousands of books within its memory core, every book is easily accessible through a few swipes of a finger. “8GB and 64GB, which can hold hundreds of thousands of Textbooks......This means a single tablet Is more than capable of holding all the Textbooks a learner needs plus quizzes and homework.” This is much easier than carrying around countless textbooks and papers that you could just as easily could put on a small, lightweight tablet that doesn’t weigh you down.
Finally, Teachers can more easily keep track of student progress. “It’s Big Brother, sort of, but with good intent” said Tracy Hurley, the dean of the school of business. Teachers can electronically keep track of students’