After the Cold War, The United States had new technologies that people these days would not be able to live without.
I’d have to say the biggest advancement was the Internet. It began as military use only, but later a bill was passed saying that civilians were allowed to have access to the Internet. Most of the advancements made during the Cold War were invented for military use, but were eventually allowed to be used by everyone else. The Cold War brought about several changes in the society and social attitudes of this nation. The most obvious change is that the country is now 4 trillion dollars in debt. We may not know who we're in debt to, but we know we are in debt. We do know how we got this debt and the reason is the Cold
The Cold War changed how people thought. For the first time in human history we had the power not only to destroy ourselves but our planet as well. This had a huge effect on society. The world had to live with a death threat hanging over it. People had to face not only their own mortality but the worlds as well. The world continued its patriotic drum beating but not everyone played with the same rhythm. In this country there was and is still a huge gap in opinion concerning the Cold War. (
During the Cold War the world became more interdependent economically. The European Union started as a small community in 1952 to regulate steel and coal production in Europe. The North American Free Trade Association was created to provide free trade between the United States, Mexico, and Canada, by eliminating trade barriers like tariffs. A large part of the Cold War was nations aligning themselves economically with either the U.S. or the Soviet Union. Capitalism, or a Market Economy and Communism, or a Command Economy came to dominate global economics. The conflict became about which system better provided for the people. In the end, Capitalism won out, but only by a slim margin.