How did the environment of the American Fur Company change in the 1830’s? What deep historical forces are implicated in these changes?
The American Fur Company:
The American Fur Company was founded by John Jacob Astor in 1808. The company grew to monopolize the fur trade in the United States by 1830, and became one of the largest businesses in the country.
In early 1830’s it seemed nothing could slow Astor. But this environment suddenly changed for fur companies. Although the American Fur company was still competing with other Fur companies, unfavorable trends were building that would bring it down.
Factors Effecting Fur Companies Environment: A. Demand for beaver start falling due to change in fashion trend of beaver hat in European and American gentleman. B. Silk hat became the new trend. C. New ways of felting hats without using fibrous under hair from beaver pelts had developed, and nutria pelts from South America were entering the market. D. In 1832 trade was nearly an end during a worldwide cholera epidemic because many people thought the disease was spread on transported furs. E. Beaver populations, were no longer sufficient by over trapping. F. Losses of human life rose due to poisoned snakes and crow to encounter more hostile tribes such as Blackfeet, who poisoned their arrows with rattlesnake venom and conducted open war against trappers.
These were some of the forces that changes the environment for American Fur company and fall of American Fur Company and Fur Industry begun.
Question#04: who were the most important stake holders of the nineteenth-century fur industry? Were they treated responsibly by the standards of the day? By the standards of today?
Now before discussing the stakeholders of 19th century its very important that one have very clear understanding of who is stakeholder;
Stake holders: An entity that is benefited or burdened by the actions of a corporation or whose actions may benefit or burdened the