I agree with Daniel 100%. Parents need to realize what they're doing wrong, they need to monitor their children and their eating habits. Obese kids get made fun of, and there is no way for that to stop unless they do something themselves. Yes parents are the main ones to blame, but us kids have options and choices. If someone offers you a big mac say no thank you, you don't have to take it and eat it. Paragraph 5 in “ The battle against fast food begins in the home” says “ It's the fault of the parents who let their kids eat unhealthy foods and sit in front of …show more content…
I think that is a great idea, but how will the state know if they are doing their amount of exercise there suppose to? They won't, unless they send people out to watch everyone which is impossible. Maybe if they enforce this law parents will take it seriously and make their children exercise. I have noticed many kids nowadays that need the exercise, or if they get the time to exercise they don’t take advantage of it enough or at all. I have never been fat, so I don’t know what it is like to be, but I do know that I love food as much as chunky people do. Like come on who doesn’t love to eat? If I could eat all day long I