Professor Polgar
February 21, 2011
Descriptive Essay
The Beach
As the sun peeked over the horizon announcing the beginning of another beautiful hot summer day, Lisa drove to the beach with a sense of excitement. She packed her bag for a day at the beach and a time when she had a little peace of mind. Enjoying the morning breeze caressing her face, Lisa sped down the highway to the voice of Taylor Swift booming throughout her speakers of her cherry red X6 BMW. She was anxious to get there because she knew that her day was going to be an adventurous and relaxing day. She was a busy young woman in her mid 20’s, always on the go looking for interesting stories to write about for The Daily Gossip the newspaper for which worked. The beach was going to be her escape from “real life”, her busy schedule, boss and the demands of her job.
She was arriving closer to her destination. Her nose prickled and she inhaled the faint smell of salty water in the distance. When she arrived at the beach, she parked her car in the already crowded parking lot but, was lucky enough to find a shady parking spot under a large old tree with branches stretching out as if to welcome her arrival. Lisa grabbed her belongings and stepped out of her vehicle, excited for what the day is going to bring her. The sound of playful children laughing in the distance, the seagulls gawking, the muffled noise of waves, and the jingle-jangle of arcades games made her feel eager to make her way down to the beach. As she strolled on the board-walk, with her bag, towel and her red beach chair, she saw a chocolate shop with a brightly colored awning and thought of buying a pound or two of various flavored mouthwatering fudge. She dove in her beach bag and realized she forgot to bring a bottle of water. She stopped at a nearby lemonade stand and was greeted warmly by an elderly woman with white hair who looked like spun silk and was tied up in a loose soft bun. She