When people cross the border without any papers or a passport it is illegal. People that get caught crossing the border suffer consequences. You could be imprisoned …show more content…
Many people see the bad things in a situation and never the good. They can help the economy. The illegal immigrants that find a job in the U.S actually do pay taxes. They pay revenue to the agency they work for and they have taxes taken away from their paycheck. This still happens even if they don’t file for tax returns. When people file tax returns they need to remember that illegal immigrants are paying their fair share of money for the government. They are hoping that someday they will benefit from this. Another reason why they should stay is because it cost the government. To deport all 11 million of the immigrants it would cost 400 billion to 600 billion in all. To deport them each it would be 10,000 per person. The U.S is already badly in debt and can’t afford these expenses to deport all of them. The reason why illegal immigrants come to the U.S is to get a better life for them or their family back home. They are willing to do any job. Most Americans wouldn’t want to do these type of jobs. Whether it's household chores or cleaning they would take it. A big job that many illegal immigrants do is farm work. If they do get deported, the supply of workers would decrease. According to bloomberg.com, illegal immigrants make up 5.1% of the nation's labor force in 2012. Illegal immigrants are very important to the U.S. These are the reasons …show more content…
Now I will state my opinion. I think the illegal immigrants should be able to stay because they contribute to the United States just like everybody else. They come to the U.S for a better life and are doing no harm while supporting their family. As said in the beginning, they really do get taxes pulled from their checks that go to the government.. Sometimes they don’t even know it happens. I also think that the illegal immigrants that are criminals should be the ones deported. They are the ones that are doing the real harm to the United States. The ones that are doing nothing but helping the U.S should be able to stay. They deserve to have a shot at a better life for themselves and their family. It may not be the right way to do it but they manage and succeed doing it. This is my opinion on Illegal Immigration.
Illegal immigrants bring both benefits and negative effects to the United States.They help the economy, the farm industry, and help pay taxes to the U.S. Without them half of our farm workers would be gone and the industry would go downhill.They also bring negative things such as crime and drugs, make the population grow, and the cost of deportation is a lot. If Trump really does deport them it would cost about 10,000 per person. I personally think it would be best for them to stay. They make the U.S better. The criminals need to go but the rest should be able to