I had been planning for the day I left for Hawaii for months and the day finally came. It actually came a lot quicker than I thought it would. I was so excited I could barely contain myself! When June 8th finally came around I jumped out of bed at 8 o’clock that morning and got ready as fast as I could. My flight didn’t leave till noon that day but I just couldn’t wait any longer! Even though we were going to Hawaii for my Mom’s work, its still a trip to Hawaii, and it was definitely one I will never forget. My grandma picked my Mom and I up from our house that day around 10:30 a.m. and dropped us off at the airport. I remember sitting at the gate waiting to board the plane to Salt Lake City, Utah feeling like I would soon be in paradise. We barely had any time to make it to our next plane in Salt Lake City, but we were practically starving to death so we stopped for some Chinese food. Every time we go to this airport we always stop through that same restaurant. Its really small and kind of like a fast food place but it’s so yummy and one of our favorites. So we ate our food and quickly made it to the next gate that would take us to Los Angeles, California. I wanted nothing more than for this flight to be over with so our next flight would be to Honolulu, Hawaii! Our flight to L.A. went by pretty quick actually. I sat by this adorable little boy on the plane, who looked to be about 8 or 9. He was just so cute. He just sat there quietly, drawing away. I couldn’t stand the thought that a 9 year old could be a better drawer than me, and he totally was. I can’t draw to save my life although I wish I could.
We got off the plane in L.A. and I just kept getting more and more excited. I felt like I was on a sugar rush or something, but I was extremely hyper. The terminal in L.A. airport was quite small actually. There were very few restaurants to choose from, and maybe one or two shops. I thought it was strange because in big airports