Rajbhar or Bhar is one of the oldest Tribes of india.These tribes are also one of the Denotified tribes listed in the Gazette of India. These tribe are facing a huge problem of poverty, illetracy,unemployement and descrimination from society. government is also not Intrested in the welfere if this tribe. Mr. Subhash chandra Rajbhar ,Lecturer.Jagatpur Degree College.Varanasi has Taken the burden to provied these tribes their Right & Fascilities that Govenment has provided to them. But due to lack of encouragement They never came to know about their rights.But Mr. Subhash has been trying hard to benifit Rajbhar's. If you have any querry about this.
Bhar is a word derived from tribal languages like Gondi and Munda, which means 'warrior'. The tribal society of central India used to have its own hierarchy, with clans ranging from Brahmins (priestly class), warriors to service or menial class. 'Bhar' is one such clan which had glorious history in medieval period,. As IT is evident from the origin of its name, Bhar was a warrior tribe which created its own history but slowly disappeared from pages of history. The Bhar formed small kingdoms in the Eastern UP region, until they were disposed by invading Rajput and Muslim groups in the later middle ages.
The Bhar, also known as Rajbhar, Bharat and Bharpatwa, is a community of more than 1.7 million people residing mainly in Uttar Pradesh. The name Rajbhar, according to ethnologists Russel and Hiralal (Tribes and Castes of the Central provinces of India, 1916), signifies a landowning Bhar
This social category generally known as the Denotified and Nomadic tribes of India covers a population approximately of six crores. The tribes which belong to this catogory have been branded as ‘born criminals’. The story of the denotified tribe goes back to the early years of the colonial rule. In those times, whoever opposed the British colonial expansion was