The birth of my daughter! Although, it was a . Having a child changes life so dramatically, regardless of how old you are when you have a child. I no longer lived for myself, my social life was taper down, I could no longer decide last minute that I wanted to watch a movie, or go shopping because I had an infant that needs my constant care. All of a sudden, I had this huge responsibility and this person I cared so much about. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to do the best job raising my child to be a good and successful person. Just as I had to change what I did on a day-to-day basis, I also had to change my thought process to the point where I was always thinking about what’s best for my child and to where I try to live my life so as to be an example to my child. On the flip side, I find that my life is more focused because I anchor my life on my child. Overall, having a baby makes us so much more aware of our duty and responsibilities to others and less hung up on our own
The birth of my daughter! Although, it was a . Having a child changes life so dramatically, regardless of how old you are when you have a child. I no longer lived for myself, my social life was taper down, I could no longer decide last minute that I wanted to watch a movie, or go shopping because I had an infant that needs my constant care. All of a sudden, I had this huge responsibility and this person I cared so much about. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how to do the best job raising my child to be a good and successful person. Just as I had to change what I did on a day-to-day basis, I also had to change my thought process to the point where I was always thinking about what’s best for my child and to where I try to live my life so as to be an example to my child. On the flip side, I find that my life is more focused because I anchor my life on my child. Overall, having a baby makes us so much more aware of our duty and responsibilities to others and less hung up on our own