Film techniques
How do the above elements show the differences between Michael's and Tuohy's world?
Mise en Scene mean all the elements of a shot which helps to convey a message to the viewer. The elements are setting, costume, location, lighting/colour and film techniques.
Michael Oher’s World
Tuohy Family’s World
Memphis, Tennessee
17 year old
Foster care/ward of the state
Mother has drug addiction problems and cannot raise Michael (ward of the state)
Sleeps on the couch
Has no clothes
Exposed to violence/danger
Big houses
Safe neighbourhood
Family unit: mum, dad, son & daughter
Plenty of food (thanksgiving)
Buy Michael a car
Give Michael a bedroom
Poor vs Rich
Michael's neighbourhood looks untidy, there are graffiti on the walls. There are no trees or vegetation, it is very bleak.
There are unemployed youths hanging around, smoking or playing cards.
It is not a safe and good place for a young person to grow up in.
The lighting used is dark and dim, with grey and dull colours
Tuohy’s neighbourhood has manicured lawns, kids selling lemonade, big houses, mum walking with a baby in the pram and bike riders
The setting emphasised that it is a good and safe place to raise a family.
The lighting used is bright and cheerful, the colours are warm and bright
Images of Michael sleeping on the couch (before he is asked to leave) are dark and dull. Emphasis that home life is not happy. He does not have a bedroom or bed.
When you first see the Tuohy's family you see well dressed family, supporting their daughter’s sporting event. Their family is happy and has a close and strong relationship.
Michael is dressed in the same old clothes to emphasise his poverty.
He wears a big sized cloth, knee-length pants, and a pair of big shoes. The clothing that he uses look shabby and dirty.
Even in winter later, he did not have a