Edward Scissor hands and Charlie and the chocolate factory are both great movies. Tim Burton makes intriguing and all around great movies. The costuming, colors, and setting structure are all very creative, also very unusual and the same time. Charlie and the chocolate factory, and Edward Scissor hands are the most intriguing in my opinion. First the costuming in Charlie and the chocolate factory is very dark. Charlie and his family wore black, brown, and grey raggedy clothing. How his family wore raggedy, dirty, brown, gray clothing represented how poor they were, and how they couldn’t afford very much. In Edward Scissor hands, everyone wore bright, colorful clothes. The citizens were happy and also kept in touch. It also made the town perfect, a little too perfected at that. On the other hand, Edward wore black clothing, that seemed to be old, in rough shape, and was black. Edward also lived independently in a mansion, and never saw very many people, making him lonely. …show more content…
When it came to color, in Charlie and the chocolate factory, the town is extremely dark and saddening because the only color and happiness to the town, the factory, had been shut down.
All houses and buildings looked dark and dreary, almost like theres no hope in advancing the town. In Edward Scissor hands the people and their houses had bright, exciting colors. Also, they had everything perfect, even the grass was brighter green than an apple. This town was, a bit concerning as to how perfect everything seemed to be, a little over exaggerated in
perfectness. Lastly, in Charlie and the chocolate factory all the residential houses are black, including Charlie buckets house. Charlie’s house is kind of out on the side, departed from any other buildings. It’s an old black house that looks similar to a shack and the roof seems to be caving in. the snow, seems to be the only truly “beautiful” thing in the whole town. In Edward Scissor hands, it was a neighborhood with nothing but colorful houses with matching colored cars. No trees or playgrounds, only perfectly trimmed lawns, with every ones car parked nicely in the driveway and everyone in their houses. Edwards house was also way off to the side, it was a black mansion, he was very isolated from all other citizens.
In conclusion, you can tell that Tim Burton has a wide variety of outlooks. One setting was perfect and colorful, the other being dark and not a fraction close to perfect. Tim burton has quite the imagination on costuming. The costuming, colors, and setting structures are all highly creative, also peculiar at the same time. In my opinion, Tim burton has shown me he is very talented, and makes up an overall an awesome, prepared, talented director.