Bound to be the ugliest thing walking."
"Can't help but be. Ought to be a law: tow ugly people doubling up like that to make more ugly. Be better off in the ground." "Well, I wouldn't worry none. It be a miracle if it live." (pg. 189-190)
In my final example we'll look at Pecola and her wish to have blue eyes. Pecola believes that if her eyes were blue, making them beautiful in accordance to white standards, her life would be less "ugly", and her problems would go away. I believe Pecola also thinks that if her eyes were blue that her peers and teachers would like her more, making life easier. Pecola also hates the fact that she stares at herself in the mirror attempting to figure out how she became way she is.
"Do you know what you came for? Blue eyes. New, blue eyes, she said. Like she was buying shoes." I'd like a pair of new blue eyes." She must have had asked you for them for a very long time, and you hadn't replied" (pg.180)
"I'd like to do something else besides watch you stare in that mirror."
"You're just jealous."
"I am not."
"You are. You whish you had them." (pg.