
The Book Of Genesis

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The book of Genesis teaches us about the coming of man and how he has lived on earth. God created the earth and gave it to man, who he made in his image, to rule. Repeatedly man does not meet God’s expectations and in return he is punished. The fall in the Garden of Eden and the Great Flood are two major illustrations of this happening. Something to note is that even with all of man’s faults and God’s punishments, God excuses man and gives him a new chance to redeem himself. God gives sense that no matter what man does he will forgive, even if at first he retaliates with punishment.
Adam and Eve were the first man and woman to be brought into existence. God expected that Adam and Eve, the beginning of human life, would obey him. God set them
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It can be viewed as a punishment but at the same time it can be viewed as ones devotion to God. He said to Abraham, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” Someone could consider this punishment, having to sacrifice your only child whom you love. (Genesis 22:1-19) This was not a punishment of mankind but it was a test of Abraham’s faith to God. A test unlike any other God put before his people. Even though God did not condone child sacrifice, it was the ultimate way to test Abraham’s devotion to God. In the eyes of God this was not wrong, as only he has the right to take human life. Abraham had to have been strong in order to sacrifice his child in the name of God. In today’s society Abraham’s sacrifice of his son is viewed as being morally wrong. Whether it was justified or not, people are not able to grasp sacrifice in …show more content…

In Genesis there is a cycle of failure and punishment. That God in his creation of man hoped for perfection but encountered only failure over & over again and through his punishments the hope that man will learn a lesson. Genesis then dwells into Abraham’s story which raises the question of morality and what distinguishes right from wrong. Concerning morality, there is no definite line of what is ethical or unethical. In the end it is up to us to decide for

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