In today’s competitive arena, marketing is the essential aspect for every organisation to identify, anticipate and satisfy customer requirements profitably as well as to achieve organisational objectives. Different companies are adopting different types of marketing strategies according to the type & size of the organisation, their products and services and existing competition in the market place. There are mainly two types of marketing strategies that are used by the different organisations.
• Outbound Marketing: Outbound marketing includes insides sales, telemarketing, trade shows, seminars, print advertisement, direct mail/e-mail, etc. With Outbound marketing the marketers try to push their products and services to the people who really don’t want the products and services at all. In recent phenomenon, the outbound marketing is getting less and less-effective due to the following two reasons:
– People are now becoming busier with their tight schedule; block them with caller id, spam filtering, Tivo, and Sirius satellite radio.
– People now preferring more the internet (web site, search engine, blogs, social media sites, etc.) to learn something new or to buy the products and services, rather than going to the trade shows and seminars to waste their time and money.
• Inbound Marketing: It includes search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click, blogging/ blogosphere, social media, targeted landing pages, marketing analytics, etc. Using inbound marketing, marketers will attract the potential customers rather than going out to unnecessary market place. In inbound marketing, the social media plays a critical role to attract the visitors using search engine, the blogosphere, etc.
With a rapid penetration of broadband technology across the globe, Internet is emerging as the most preferred medium among the consumers. Traditional media like newspaper, magazine, television and films, and