"Every week a doctor commits suicide in North America, and each one knew that depression is potentially treatable or self-limiting; insight goes faster in depression than in any other illness. Depression is psychological pain, and a severe depressive illness is arguably the most unpleasant disease in the Western world bar rabies. Samuel Johnson once said he 'd suffer a limb to be amputated to recover his spirits. An old clergyman who had recovered from a severe depression later badly scalded his genitals, thighs, and abdomen. When asked which type of pain was worse, he said, “I would suffer the scalding a hundred times rather than have a depression again. Every night I pray to God to let me die before the depression returns. When I was scalded I prayed for relief and I was heard, but during the depression I lost my faith. There is no comparison between those two kinds of pain” (Morrant JCA, 1997) The Case of Barbara and her Depressive Disorder My assignment was to watch and analyze a three-part video series (Southern New Hampshire University, The Case of Barbara and Major Depressive Disorders pt 1, 2 & 3). The series did not give much background on Barbara, but focused on her symptoms and feelings at the time of the interviews. Barbara exhibits many characteristics of a major depressive disorder; she is in an extremely depressed state that has lasted for over two weeks, she exhibits anhedonia (a loss of interest or pleasure in activities), she has impulsive thoughts with suicidal ideations, and her physical level of functioning has been severely affected as a result of a depressive disorder and possibly a medical
References: Brodsky,Ph.D, B., Oquendo,M.D., M., Ellis, Ph.D, S. P., Haas, Ph.D, G. L., Malone, M.D., K. M., & Mann, M.D., J. J. (2001). The relationship of childhood abuse to impulsivity and suicidal behavior in adults with major depression. (11 ed., Vol. 158, pp. 1871-1877). Retrieved from http://journals.psychiatryonline.org/article.aspx?articleid=175151 Elkin, I., Shea, M., Watkins, J., Imber, S., Sotsky, S., Collins, J., Glass, D., Pilkonis, P., & Docherty, JP et al: (1989). National institute of mental health treatment of depression collaborative research program. general effectiveness of treatments. Arch General Psychiatry, 46(11), 971-982. Morrant, J. (1997). Depression and some newer antidepressants. BC Medical Journal, 39(12), 636-640. Southern New Hampshire University. (Producer). (2013, July 12). The Case of Barbara and Major Depressive Disorders pt 1, 2 & 3 [Web Video].