Tiffany A. Tirico
Liberty University
This paper explores and discovers components of marriage, family, and couples counseling and how trauma in relationships and family suffering can be treated. Several scholarly articles and other sources have discovered that marriage, family and couples counseling has proven to be highly effective, however; this research paper will attempt to discover this type of counseling through ethics, treatments, different traumas, and the counselor mechanisms. Several resources aided my research to ascertain the information I needed regarding the different components of trauma, therapy in relationships, couples counseling, suffering family, and the counselor. My ethical research was used to help establish a foundation of laws within marriage, family, and couples therapy to be considered during client sessions. My additional resources were used for creating the house of this paper to discover the components and research of trauma related to marriage, family, and couples counseling and how it can be treated. In this paper, I will conduct my own research through testimonials from interviews with Donna Kay Smith, a former Minister in Pennsylvania, who shared her counseling and personal experiences with me. While we know from my sources that marriage, family, and couples counseling enhances lives and helps those through trauma to eventually form healthy relationships; I will seek out through both research and experiment to discover the effectiveness this therapy truly has when trauma is a factor. Marriage, family, and couples counseling is not only a surface related snag, but an evil that in some cases is rooted from other traumatic experiences in the person’s life. Keywords: LMFT, marriage and family therapy, couples counseling, divorcee counseling, Christian counseling, ethnicity and family therapy.
Healing Trauma through Marriage, Family, and Couples
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