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After all the hard work of Destroying Fortunato, Montresor rest inside his vault for a few minutes.
Montresor searches all across his vaults but sees no one. However the noises begin to get even louder.
Montresor said he had no idea who that was. Then his face turned as red as a tomato. Because he looked off into the distance and saw one of Fortunatos shoes.
He sits down and tries to Process everything he just did.
He turns around behind him and sees a tall, husky looking man.
This man noticed Montresors behavior and turned around. He saw the shoe and began to yell. WHERE IS MY BROTHER.
He thinks about if maybe he had taken his revenge too far.
Montresor notices that the mans face seems very worried.
The man ran all around searching every square inch of the vault. He finally found the bones of is bother.
He feels guilty for just a moment but then shakes the feeling away.
He quickly comes to realize that he is looking for Forunato!
Fortunatos bolted after Montresor with tears of terror in his eyes.
Suddenly Montresor hears a noise from a far
Montresor knew he needed to pretend like he had no idea what was going on
He grabbed him by his neck and begged him for mercy. Fortunato stated, “You beg for mercy, yet you had none for my bother!!”
He jumps up to go see who or what the noise is coming from.
He asked the man what was wrong. The man told him he was looking for his brother Fortunato.
He then killed Montresor by choking him by the neck then throwing him against the wall. He then said, “Justice for my brother is served.”
Part Two
Directions: Write the introduction for your narrative essay, following the guidelines you were taught. The introduction should be approximately 150-200 words in length and may include dialogue.
Montresor let