Four and seven are very important numbers to the Cherokee tribe. Four represents the cardinal directions which include north east south west and in addition three others exist the upper world the lower world and the center where we live seven represents the seven clans of the Cherokee (anigilohi (Long Hair), anisahoni (Blue), aniwaya(Wolf), anigotegewi (Wild Potato), aniawi (Deer), anitsisqua (Bird), and aniwodi (Paint)) it also represents the height of purity and sacredness which was hard to reach, they believed that only the owl and cougar were able to reach this level. There are many other traditions of the Cherokee and some of those traditions are basket weaving, wearing ribbons, and dressing in red dresses.
Chiefs And Weapons …show more content…
One of them was called a white chief who led in times of peace and there was also a red chief, who led during times of war and hardship. Cherokee weapons consist of blowguns, tomahawks, and battle hammers. Cherokee Indians made these weapons mainly to fight enemy invaders but some of them were also used to hunt
Food things like deer, bear, and fish. Were what the Cherokee ate.
How & where they