As a result, he comes up with a brilliant plan to avoid paying the creditors. A new school has opened next door providing esoteric natural science classes.This leads to strepsiades devising a plan using the knowledge from the classes to outsmart the creditors in court.During the class, …show more content…
Socrates becomes disappointed that after enlightening strepsiades he is still misguided.This leads strepsiades pushing peidippines to take the class in spite of his opposition.pheidippides goes to school and learns a new technique called just and unjust. These arguments are based on trivia and myths. The chorus of clouds believe that forcing Pheidippides to gain these new skills will not be beneficial to streppsiades and eventually backfire. After rehearsing the arguments for the court case, they feel prepared strepsiades uses the unjust and just argument and calls the creditor out for his belief in god.The creditors did not give a good retort and left the court room defeated. The chorus of the clouds returns and sings a song about strepsiades meeting his karma. The chorus of clouds are singers who interact with the audience dressed in cloud costumes. They are often defending the gods, and they provoke strepsiades throughtout the play, and are the reason for his