I. INTRODUCTION A. The Background Of The Problem We have known that there are very much variations of language in The world. Those variations can be found in the real event of the communication. Ronald Wardaugh in Introduction to linguistic,1977:3 states as follows: “Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication”. For those definition above we can conclude that language consists of the symbols that have variations. Those variations ia already axisted in the society or mixture from many varieties. Example: The majority of Indonesian Moslem people know and use the Arabic in reading the Holy Quran, eventhough there are many varieties of the languages in Indonesian society. “In English, the linguistic sign or a word such as nouns verbs, adjectives, and adverbs make up the largest part of the vocabulary” (Emily Dickinson,1984:121). Owing to this background, the writer would like to find the solution for the problem with an accurate, precise, and clear description.
B. The Problem It is an important to understand that the comparison between English and Arabic tenses are interesting subject to investigate. Therefore, the writer interests to choose it. For the investigating need he has some problems that has formulated as follows: 1. Is there any similiarities between English and Arabic tenses? 2 . Is there any differences between English and Arabic tenses?
C. The Aim Of The Problem The aim of this writing would deeply find the data covering as follows: To compare the similiarities and the differences between the tenses of English and those of Arabic. 1
D. The Benefit of Paper
1. For The Students Students who will get the information in using the simple present and future in The comparison of both languages.
2. For The readers The reader can understand easier in comparing the present tense and future tense on the both of languages.
E. Limitation of The
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