and civil stability. The fight between the large state and small state was a big element in the meeting. James Madison of Virginia brought the Virginia Plan search for to fragment the Articles of Confederation and generate a Congress with two houses. The plan also accepted a federal judiciary and a president who was selected by Congress. Nevertheless, the smaller states brought the New Jersey Plan to produce a Congress and have equivalent representation as the bigger states. The Great Compromise was another plan brought up to allow each state equal representation in the lower house and the upper house. The Three-Fifths clause was carried due to the argument between slave state and free State. This permitted slave state to include 3/5 of their slave residents for both representation and the apportioned of the federal taxes.
and civil stability. The fight between the large state and small state was a big element in the meeting. James Madison of Virginia brought the Virginia Plan search for to fragment the Articles of Confederation and generate a Congress with two houses. The plan also accepted a federal judiciary and a president who was selected by Congress. Nevertheless, the smaller states brought the New Jersey Plan to produce a Congress and have equivalent representation as the bigger states. The Great Compromise was another plan brought up to allow each state equal representation in the lower house and the upper house. The Three-Fifths clause was carried due to the argument between slave state and free State. This permitted slave state to include 3/5 of their slave residents for both representation and the apportioned of the federal taxes.