In recent history, cheerleading has been primarily female but when cheerleading first began it was primarily male(SooHoo). In the 1950s, female cheerleading became more popular, as did the short skirts and pom-poms.(SooHoo). Cheer has been used to promote positivity and support during sports games through chants and cheers. As time has passed, cheerleading has advanced, adding tumbling and stunting, participation in competitions, and lengthy performances. There are many negative stereotypes against cheerleaders and cheerleading itself. Many people and organizations do not consider cheer to be a sport regardless of the extensive amount of athleticism demostrated. There is a lot of controversy when it comes to cheerleading and how hard cheerleaders actually work. I will …show more content…
When I asked Alexis, a cheerleader at Thornton High what her thoughts were on cheer being a sport, she said, “It bothers me when people say what I do isn’t a sport. I work out, I compete, I am a part of a team, I practice. I know we don’t actually play a game or throw a ball but that is the only thing that sets us apart from the sports. Cheerleading is as much of a sport as football is.” As I continued to speak with Alexis she informed me that a sports physical is required to participate. It made me question, if cheerleading isn’t a sport then why is a sports physical required to be on a high school cheer squad?
As I read through my observations I found that the Thornton High Cheer Squad spends about 10 to 14 hours a week practicing and cheering. Practice is held five days a week unless there is game. I asked Paige, a cheerleader, to tell me her thoughts on the time put into cheer, “ A lot of my time is devoted to cheer, I have practice every week as well as games, I have to take extra time to remember cheers and practice outside of my actual practice.”