We are stuck between a free-market system and a government-run system. As the government continues to increase subsides and provide insurance for more and more people under Medicare, Medicaid, and Tricare, as well as new stipulations under the Affordable Care Act, the system can not realistically be described as a free-market. This has created dramatic price increases in health care and has also made the costs of care entirely unrealistic because there is a total diffusion of responsibility for the payment. Additionally, as emergency rooms are required to provide care to people in need, all people technically can access care. However, this care is extremely expensive and an inefficient use of valuable resources. In order to prevent people from “free riding” in this system and just going to emergency rooms but never paying their bills, it follows that everyone must have health insurance. However, in order for that to be possible monetarily, there have to be subsidies and policies that prevent people from being excluded from coverage for preexisting conditions or other factors. Ultimately, it makes little sense to provide universal coverage of emergency care but not provide primary or preventative care, which is much more cost effective, efficient and…