Stakeholders contribute to making the current health care system in the United States too …show more content…
When thinking of a patient’s point of view we think about having to pay the co pay rather it’s the ER co pay, the doctor, or the specialist. It is more beneficial for the doctors to have their own practice and do outpatient procedures rather than being in the hospitals and working on call. When they are working in the hospitals they are pretty much on call and have to jump when they get that call or page rather than having their own practice and being able to schedule procedures the way they want and they are also making more money off the outpatient procedures and the hospitals and doctors still are making their money because the patients were referred by one or the other and so everyone is making money off the insurance company, the patient, and the …show more content…
The protection provided exactly what the act is called and what it represents: the PPACA. The name says it all, The PPACA act will prevent any insurance company from denying any patient coverage or charging more based on a person’s medical history (The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act 2012). So even if someone has a pre-existing condition they will not be denied. The act is a great step in protecting the elderly American’s that are on a fixed income as well as low income families, it is more cost effect and affordable for the people who may not be able to afford health care even if their life is at danger but they know they cannot afford the treatment; and the best part being is that they will still receive the same quality care as those with health care