Chapter 1: Public Health Epidemics of disease were a consequence of this industrialisation which followed the industrial revolution and allowed the situation of public health to deteriorate. Therefore health crises did not lead to the formation of a national health service. However the crises in public health did force the state to recognise the need for intervention. So without the epidemic to scare some MPs into action, there would have been no change and ultimately no public health movement. Urban growth and population density grew rapidly after the industrial revolution, leading to overcrowding and unsanitary living conditions. Between 1801 and 1851 the population of England and Wales doubled
Chapter 1: Public Health Epidemics of disease were a consequence of this industrialisation which followed the industrial revolution and allowed the situation of public health to deteriorate. Therefore health crises did not lead to the formation of a national health service. However the crises in public health did force the state to recognise the need for intervention. So without the epidemic to scare some MPs into action, there would have been no change and ultimately no public health movement. Urban growth and population density grew rapidly after the industrial revolution, leading to overcrowding and unsanitary living conditions. Between 1801 and 1851 the population of England and Wales doubled