
The Definition Of Being An American

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The Definition Of Being An American
What is the Definition of being American What is the true definition of being an American? To me being an American is a question that has a different meaning for people across the United States, because we have been raised with different values and ways of understanding this question. For some people their definition of being an American means being patriotic, or perhaps having freedom in many ways, or participating in politics. However for me being an American means to understand the roots of this nation and the people who have work hard and even died for what we have in the United
States. The Three main ideas in which I think is the definition of being an American are having freedom, having resilience, and self determination. My mother
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The understanding of his values and believes have helped me understand that being American is every man and women should respect everyone for who they are regardless of their religion, sex, economic status, and their accent. The first Amendment states that ”Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to partition the government for a redress of grievance.” In SpringBoard there's an excerpt that Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote starting on page 43 and ends on page 45. The title of his speech was called, “The Four Freedoms”, and in his speech he talks about four types of freedoms. I've already covered two of the four freedoms. The ones i talked about were freedom of speech and expression and freedom of religion. The other two freedoms Roosevelt talks about in his speech are freedom of fear and freedom of want (known as economic understandings). These two freedoms help me understand what it means to be free. Not every country has amendments or freedoms which gives the people rights, and sometimes we …show more content…
John F
Kennedy, Dr Martin Luther king jr, Cesar chavez, and Ronald Reagen have also shown what resilience means to provide equal rights and a better life for all Americans. On June 11, 1963
John F Kennedy explained to the U.S. That all men were created equally and because of this,
“all American students are entitled to attend public educational institutions, regardless of race”.
He also asked congress to “enact legislation protecting all Americans voting rights, legal status, educational opportunities, educational purposes, and access to public facilities.” Cesar Chavez also a good example. He founded The national farmworkers Association In 1962. He fought for labor and composition conditions and won several victories. All of these men have fought very hard and even died for what was right and for this reason they can be considered for their resilience. This for me is what being an American is about. In conclusion I have talked about three ideas that for me defines being American, but remember that what I think is the definition of being American may be different from your definition. I first talked about the freedom we Americans have and how the amendments

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