The story was first published in 1954, nine years after World War II ended. The young members of the Wormsley Common Gang had either grown up with the war or were born into a London that had been wounded by it. Either way, they are emotionally stunted by their circumstances. They aren't hardened criminals yet, just lost, as though they have nothing that anchors them in their unstable world except the gang. Mike, the most childish of the group, is the only one who seems to have a home life. He goes home occasionally, unlike anyone else in the gang.
The gang's mistrust of kindness is shown when Blackie, Mike and "a thin yellow boy" named Summers frantically think up excuses and mock Mr. Thomas for his generosity. He gives them Smarties (the English chocolate kind, not American Smarties) after making sure that they "'belong to the lot that play in the car-park.'" "The gang were puzzled and perturbed by this action and tried to explain it away. Bet someone dropped them and he picked em up'" Their own detached minds can't compute an altruistic gift from another person, so they