This is because different castes are assigned specific jobs and social responsibilities, which is also called Dharma. An Indian’s Dharma is the basis as to who they are in life. From being a priest to cleaning other people and animals fecal matter in the streets, Dharma defines a person’s specific social responsibility. “The Doctor and the Saint” shows the readers that not everyone starts the same, but everyone can make a difference. Mahatma Gandhi began his life in a wealthy, higher caste family; on the contrary, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born into a lower caste and did not have the same rights and opportunities that Gandhi did. However, through hard work, they were both able to share their beliefs with the world, which led them to be well respected and praised by their followers. This shows that just because someone is born in a lower caste, it does not mean that they will not make a difference in the long run, they just might need a little help and perseverance, anything can
This is because different castes are assigned specific jobs and social responsibilities, which is also called Dharma. An Indian’s Dharma is the basis as to who they are in life. From being a priest to cleaning other people and animals fecal matter in the streets, Dharma defines a person’s specific social responsibility. “The Doctor and the Saint” shows the readers that not everyone starts the same, but everyone can make a difference. Mahatma Gandhi began his life in a wealthy, higher caste family; on the contrary, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar was born into a lower caste and did not have the same rights and opportunities that Gandhi did. However, through hard work, they were both able to share their beliefs with the world, which led them to be well respected and praised by their followers. This shows that just because someone is born in a lower caste, it does not mean that they will not make a difference in the long run, they just might need a little help and perseverance, anything can