Ms. Sarameinto
Population is the largest increasing factor in our world. This factor is the cause of many events in our world. Poverty hunger and war are just some of the immediate effects of increasing population. Among these extreme causes the less immediate events will be seen with air pollution, land degradation, which is the effect that’ll have the longest term effect on the world. But how can these events are avoided? Is there any hope of stopping this from occurring any further?
The largest, most identified reason for pollution could be mans technological advancements. Theses advancements such as those in agriculture, and those for transportation took a huge leap during a period in man called the industrial revolution. This period of time began the infectious state the world is in today. Around the early 18th century man had began the need for more things, which in this time was impossible with current methods of doing things. This began to change with the idea of mass production, this concluded in the establishment of large factories filled with hundreds of workers. These factories held the most advanced technology that increased time of production. Theses factories would produce so much fumes that snow and rain came in black droppings. The water was beyond consumable, this kind of behavior only increased over the next century when several parts of the world began their way into industrialization. But besides the factories them self the new form of work out rural areas out of business causing the need for migration to new urban areas better known as cities. These sites were far from sanitary the streets pilled with garbage which couldn’t be controlled without proper sanitation.
The questions on the impact that man has put on the earth are seen every day in various ways some unseen to the naked eye but can be physically recorded. One well known example of the human footprint would be the increasing threat air