Expansion is useless and problematic without a contributing factor such as productivity. The initiative for making good use out of what the population uses for its needs can be described as minimalistic. Growth should entail an equal amount of output to show motivation or models for future generations to build on. We as people need to shape our society to show accomplishment and consistent growth of our economy and community. But without such knowledge for the newcomers in the community this growth has nothing to show for. “High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectations.” – Charles F. Kettering
Our community grows, but the members of society seem to just live for their own good; contributions to the ones around come at very infrequent intervals. Schools have such competitive attitudes that teamwork has almost become extinct. There is absolutely no emphasis in bringing out the developing minds’ ambitions that aren’t academically related. These minds go into the world without any knowledge what they are capable of and spread the “crab” or “why should I” mentality to other communities. It should be universally known that academics aren’t the basis for success and accomplishment. A basic assembly, pep rally, or seminar acknowledging this fact could expand these still open minds into a whole other world of possibilities.
In our current state as a community, children are often taught to only achieve sole success and to benefit themselves. What I suggest is that there are activities or classes integrated into the academic curriculum in schools to show the next generation what they can do to help their community prosper and how they can go about doing these things. School sponsored events that allow students to receive addition credit or some other type of positive reinforcement for the completion of volunteer work is just one of many ways this vision can be achieved.
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