
The Effects Of Globalization On Residential Schools

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The Effects Of Globalization On Residential Schools
Residential school happened in the past, but still affect us in today's world. Globalization and Residential school's go hand in hand in the history books. Globalization created the residential schools, Euro-Canadian culture was the Canadian government's foremost concern, they created religious schools which accustomed the indigenous children. The church easily made it into a cultural genocide. The children were hominem abused; physical, sexual, and psychological. The children were malnourished for the most part, and used to run experiments. They died from tuberculosis, freezing to death, or starvation. The source claims that we should not judge the Canadian government with our modern perspectives about them running the residential schools, …show more content…
But the government was not specific in how the church should assimilate. The church abused the children attempting to kill the indigenous culture out of the children. They said they would “care” for the children, but what they really did was run nutritional experiments on malnourished aboriginal children. The worst part about the experiments is it was approved by the House Of Commons Committee, this is one out of multiple examples the source fails to acknowledge. When the school's first started in approximately the 1930s there were about 17,000 children attending, later changing to 150,000 children in the 20th century. The source fails to claim that 6,000 children have died from the schools due to starvation, freezing to death, tuberculosis spreading like wildfire in the schools,or just plain old accidents. The odds of a student dying during the program were 1 in 25, which is greater than a Canadian soldier dying during the Second World War, 1 in 26 odds. Also out of approximately 80,000 survivors, roughly about 37,695 sexual assaults have been reported, again another example that has not been recognized by the source. To this day we still see the effects of residential schools. First nations tend to be on the lower side of wealth, in addition Other people tend to see them really low life people because they are who they are, first nations. They have poorer houses on the reservations, less resources like school funding, and academic resources, in conclusion you tend to find a lot of more gangs on reservations. There is a higher suicide rate on reserves and crimes involving first nations. The source fails to acknowledge the abuse that happened then and the result of that

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