One risk society poses using genetic engineering is “genetic enhancements —or the reverse, deliberate genetic disabling” (Lucassen). The fact that someone might want to purposefully disable someone else seems a bit extreme. If you look at world arguments though, it seems like a high probability of this becoming a new defense tactic for societies across the globe. A study was then done on gender perception of genetic engineering. A group of people were asked about the impacts of engineering somatic cells, and the case was, “most males (58%)” saw no impact. Then, when the same men were asked about germline therapy, there were, “significantly more men than women” in support of genetic engineering. With the advancements in technology and knowledge since this article was written, there is the possibility that there are some minor differences today. The fact was though that, “most still remain fearful” (Napolitano and Ogunseitan ). On a fact sheet by the Centre for Genetics Education, it explains that there is a “potential emotional impact on family members” and “the potential for discrimination” in all areas of life (Centre for Genetics Education). Higher discrimination levels in society, and even in a single household, would be a step backwards towards segregation that may not be able to be reversed. The effect genetic engineering places on individuals and society is a topic that cannot be …show more content…
It is important for the world to become aware of genetic engineering because it will change our everyday lives. Not everyone will be happy with genetic engineering, no matter the amount of scrutiny. The main point is that everyone cannot always get their way but we can take everything into consideration and try to find a happy medium to please the majority of