James C. Poll
Salt Lake Community College
The Evolution of the Labor and Management Relationship
Thesis: There has been a dynamic tension in the relationship between labor and management since the beginning of recorded history that remained largely unchanged. The introduction of psychology theory in recent, modern history changed the nature of labor and management relations and business but worker unions flourished. The dynamic tension between labor and management persists today despite inroads by firms and their managers adopting better employment practices and strategies and, the unionization of some of the workforce. The motives of management and labor must be reconciled with social responsibility and economic realities to ensure profitability for both labor and management.
The history of labor and management: In the span of recorded history, the relationship of labor and management or the methods used by management changed little until recently. In one extreme, the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs drew from slave labor to build their empires which included the great pyramids, erected as narcissistic shrines to their power and divinity. We read from biblical text that the Israelites were captured and held in bondage for that very purpose. As a prince, Moses, an Israelite by birth and an adopted Son of Pharaoh, was responsible for supervision of labor management as one of his duties. The record says that on one occasion, Moses slayed an Egyptian Taskmaster after he witnessed him abuse of one of the Israelite slaves. Moses would appeal to Pharaoh to liberate the Israelites but Pharaoh refused. As the story goes, Moses led a revolt to successfully liberate the captive slaves, which ended with dramatic flair. (“Holly Bible”, KJV). With less drama, this same scenario has played itself out many times throughout the course of ancient and modern history.
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References: Boardman, C. M., & Sandomir, A. N. (Comps.). (2007). Foundations of business thought, Seventh edition (Carnegie, p. 430). Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing. Boardman, C. M., & Sandomir, A. N. (Comps.). (2007). Foundations of business thought, Seventh edition (Lawrence, p. 454). Boston, MA: Pearson Custom Publishing. Christina La Oberhauser, Egea, M., Gilbert, S., & Lopez, A. Motivation theory. SFSU. Holly Bible, King James Version (n.d.). Book of Exodus, Ch. 2, 5 & 14. kswheeler. (2011). Creation of the first union with a closed-shop agreement in the U.S., GRIIND.