The Department of Education in each state have designed their Excursion Policies to ensure the safety of both Students and Teachers at all times as well as reduce the liability of the school and teachers whilst on excursion. This is the same in Victoria which is the policy that I will be discussing in this report, this document analysis will discuss the important parts of the policy and then tie them into the 3 scenarios which are a trip to the zoo with grade prep students, a day rock climbing with grade 5 students and three night camp with grade 6 students. (State Government of Victoria, Department of Education and Early Childhood Development [DEECD], 2009)
Whilst reading the Victorian Excursion Policy it became clear that the policy is written in order to protect the students and the teachers whilst at school and off campus on excursions. (DEECD, 2009) It ensures that there is scope for all parties to be safe on excursions and during inside school activities and teachers are well informed of any requirements that must be taken into consideration when organising an excursion as well as issues that they may face when on an excursion. Such as student behaviour management and updating student medical records, not to mention student/teacher ratios, supervisory requirements, the information that needs to be provided to parents about the excursion on excursion permission slip before approval can be obtained and who can provide permission for a student to attend an excursion or another off campus activity. (DEECD, 2009) Other issues that are covered include how to obtain approval for excursions and requirements that need to be met when selecting appropriate venues and also emergency management and communication whilst an emergency is taking place. The policy is important as it provides a set of across the board guidelines that must be followed by all schools in Victoria, (DEECD, 2009) this ensures that all schools are uniform when offering excursions
References: Vic Excursions - Use section 4.4.2.