Life is full of choices and opportunities for spiritual development. The four paths of yoga
Provide wisdom, serenity, direction, and strength. Each path has its own unique goal yet
They all work together for a greater purpose. The four paths of yoga have practices that
Can be related to other religious traditions such as devotion, prayer, giving, and physical
Actions such as fasting that require discipline and commitment to a Higher Power. The Four Paths of Yoga
Life is full of choices, journeys, change, growth, and pain. Action is required to move along any path in life. The four paths of Yoga provide one with different ways to gain wisdom, practice devotion, take action, and gain physical and mental control. All of these paths can be a gateway for change and growth for people. BKS Iyenger, author of Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjal writes, “The ultimate aim of Yoga is to reach ‘Kaivalya’ (emancipation or ultimate freedom). This is the experience of one's innermost being or soul" (Taylor, 2006). The paths of yoga include different styles, teachings, and traditions that bring their own changes yet they all complement one another. The four main paths are Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, and Raja. Each is suited to a different temperament or approach to life. All the paths lead ultimately to the same destination - to union with Brahman or God - and the lessons of each of them need to be integrated to attain true wisdom.
Karma Yoga is the yoga of action and is one of the most practiced in the Hindu religion. It joins both the physical and mental aspects of Hindu philosophy to produce a single concept. “The essence of karma relies heavily on action, it theorizes that past actions reckon consequences and affects one's position and progression in life” (Rice, 2007). People often times take action in order to receive and this path teaches one to let go of attachments. It purifies the heart by teaching you to
References: Burney, R. (2008). Discernment - The Wisdom to Know the Difference in Serenity Prayer. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from Joy 2 Meu Web site: http://joy2meu.com/serenity_prayer.html Father Steven Reilly. (2009, April). Five Loaves and Two Fish. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from Catholic.net Web site: http://www.catholic.net Rice, P. (2007). Karma Yoga. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from Creations of Consciousness Web site: http://www.susankramer.com/KarmaYoga.html Roberts, S. (2007). Yoga Paths: Commitment to Change. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from Yoga Movement Web site: http://www.yogamovement.com T.Krishnamacharya, S. (1998). Four Paths of Yoga. Yoga Sutras. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from http://www.yoga2u.co.uk. Taylor, C. (2006). What is Yoga. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from Iyenger Yoga Resources Web site: http://www.iyengar-yoga.com unknown. (2006). Spiritual Devotion. Retrieved April 22, 2009, from Gods Direct Contact Web site: http://godsdirectcontact.us