There are four types of paragraphs we write. They include: narrative, informative, descriptive, and persuasive. All paragraphs have certain elements, but the four types are also different from one another in how they are composed. Look at the outline about paragraphs in general.
All paragraphs:
1. It has a strong beginning, or introduction sentence, which states the main idea clearly.
2. It has several supporting sentences which make up the body, and support the main idea. All sentences in the supporting details should back up, or point to, that main idea. The details should be strong and vivid. The sentence structure and length should vary.
3. It has a strong concluding sentence, which “wraps up” the paragraph, and restates the main idea.
4. A well written paragraph has unity and transitions, and is well organized. Unity means it’s all about the same idea. Transitions are words that take the reader smoothly from one sentence to the next. Examples of this would be words like “first,” “then,” and “after that” or “finally.” The organization of the paragraph is how you have decided to put it together. Is it in chronological order, spatial order, or weakest to strongest point? The type of paragraph you are writing should dictate how it’s organized.
Organization types:
a. chronological: the details are ordered in the way they happened in time…. First to last. b. spatial: the details are organized in the way they appear in a space. The writer moves from left to right, top to bottom, etc. c. weakest to strongest point: The writer lists his or her points in order of their importance or strength in supporting the main idea. He makes his weakest point first, and ends with his strongest point. Some writers also choose to go in reverse order, strongest to weakest, and then restate the strongest.
While there are other ways to organize paragraphs, these are the