In the story, Romeo and Juliet, the final tragic outcome, namely the deaths of the two young lovers, was a result of human choices, rather than one of fate. Although fate played some role in Romeo and Juliet's deaths, the various characters' decisions and actions throughout the story eventually led to the tragedy. There were four main stepping stones, all resulting from man's decision, which finally ended with Romeo and Juliet taking their own lives.…
For the first time ever multiple generations are working hand in hand. Of these, two generations are traditionalist and baby boomers. Each generation has its own ideals, conflicting ideals. These differing ideals in turn create a generation gap, causing conflict in families, schools, and in the workplace.…
In the simplest of terms, Wiki defines generation gap as: A difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents. Supposing that the reader has experienced or is currently experiencing adolescence, an individual might understand the author’s plight.…
Nancy Gibbs of Time magazine, in the article “Generation Next,” explains that the baby-boomers (ages 50-65) and the millennials (ages 19-29) have a great generational gap perceived by the young people of both eras. She points out how young people from both generations socialized, judged conventions and traditions, position their political and religious views, and the way millennials and baby boomers anticipate their future to be. She explains that a similar percentage of young people from both generations perceive a wide gap from their elders; however, Gibbs argues that the difference in the opinions between young and old people in the two generations is based in many divergent aspects (72). In fact, Gibbs discusses three…
There is a large difference between youths and adults in Romeo and Juliet. The adults often make emotionally driven decisions, often ones that go back on what they have previously said. An example of this is Lord Capulet, who changes his mind on the marriage of his daughter. This drastically changes the plot of the story and could have been the reason for the death of Romeo and Juliet.…
Different times in society have different views on things. Generation gaps have a lot to do with how we explain things in our lives. These attitudes are related to conditions in society. Change the conditions and our views will change with them. The winds of social change affect what we think and feel and what we do—and how we relate to one another.…
Maturity is defined as one’s journey to being fully developed; full-grown. William Shakespeare knows that as he inquired the growth of Romeo Montague through his famous playwright Romeo and Juliet. Although the story takes place over the short course of four days, Shakespeare writes a story within a story. One that takes more time to evaluate. Romeo matures more because he comes to terms with what real love is, and he sacrifices everything.…
Explore the way Shakespeare presents Juliet’s changing relationship with her parents to the audience during the course of the play.…
In modern times, teenagers are often seen as irrational and irresponsible. Some would argue that this is because the brain is not yet fully developed or because of emotional challenges. Whatever the cause, in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, teenage irresponsibility and irrational thinking is put at extreme, which ultimately causes the death of the star-crossed lovers. The friar is often blamed for the couple’s death because it is though that he falsely led the couple down a path that was far more dangerous than needed. However, this argument is flawed because even though the friar does indeed give the couple advice as what to do about their situation, he is not their guardian and it is ultimately Romeo who is accountable for his actions. Romeo often dismisses the warnings the friar gives him. A considerable example of this is his quickness to marry Juliet despite the friar saying it was not wise. This is not an unusual action for Romeo as he often does things without thinking with these actions causing mayhem. Romeo’s overall…
Parents will always try to impart their values onto their children, and their children may accept them to a certain degree, but will always have different variations of their parent’s values as their own, also as generational values change so will parent’s values that they teach to their children so they are socially acceptable.…
A generation gap is referred to as a distinctive gap between younger people and their parents or grandparents. Those younger people seem to go against everything their parents or grandparents had previously believed regarding many perspectives including life styles, routines and the way they think. In the article "Millennials Are More 'Generation Me' than 'Generation We' Study Finds" by Joanna Chau who has five years of progressive experience in communications and public relations, argues that generational differences by comparing baby boomers and Gen X'er with the young adults now regarding life Goals, concern for others, and civic orientation. Joanna Chau is eligible to argue about such a critical concern since she developed outreach strategies…
However, age alone does not exempt one from making bad decisions or behaving in an impulsive manner. The main reason younger people are more commonly seen as being rash is because in general, younger people have not yet developed a strong sense of responsibility that is more commonly matured in older, more experienced people. Nevertheless, circumstances often mean that some young people are grounded in a very strong sense of responsibility, which reflect in their actions, while several older people feel no need for responsibility in their lives, and thus act in an impetuous or reckless…
Romeo and Juliet act in irrational ways because, of their developing teenager brains. Both Romeo and Juliet love pursued their action in multiple ways. They are like this because, between the ages thirteen though eighteen adolescences is at its peak. Adolescence is when a young person develops from a child to an adult. I believe that there developing brains make them act in unreasonable ways; they are at the peak of adolescence. Also their parents did not give them the helping hand they needed.…
Age has become a very important topic to be discussed as the world carries on. As people become more knowledgeable and certain advancements in life occur, people are beginning to realize that there indeed is a way to maximize your years and to have a meaningful life once one is old. Studying age has become important in social behavior also. Each generation possesses its own definition and witnessed some of the same events. Studies have come to regard generations, as familial so on the true term for the different age groups is cohorts. Again, each cohort has a range of people in them and each of these cohorts tells a different story about a different time period. Things are changing at an ever-fasting pace because of technological advancements and such, which means that the recent cohorts are more different than any other time in history. There are six cohorts represented in the world today, which include: the swing generation, the silent generation, baby boomers, baby bust cohort, the echo boomers, and millennials. These are in chronological order. This research paper will leave out the millennials. Again, each of these cohorts represent a different age in time and each has had completely different experiences, thus the exploration is, what is the character and composition of each of these said cohorts, and why does that matter today.…
Youth and age are in conflict in Romeo and Juliet. This conflict affects all of the characters in some way: The most deeply affected characters are Romeo and Juliet, who both commit a double suicide because of the failure of their families to accept their love for each other. The families are consumed with a single-minded hatred of each other that surpasses all reason.…