Although, in society today we must follow many strict rules, we do not follow as much as what the characters in "The Giver" had to. For example, we have the right to marry who ever we want. However, in the novel ‘The Giver’ there was a rule that when you became a certain age you had to apply for either a spouse or a husband. The elders choose whom you got together with and lived with. That’s not the only strict and weird rule, but as well as each family unit were only given a female and a male as their children. That was the rule only two children per family. That is not all, the mother did not have her kids, but a birthmother was assigned to her and she had her kids. The parents didn’t have a say on what to name their children, there was a naming ceremony were the nurturer’s named each child as they gave it to their new parents. Can you …show more content…
Jonas was now twelve, which meant he was an adult, just like his parents. He was given an assignment, which would be his job for the rest of his life. When you became twelve you, were officially an adult and were given a job. Unlike in society today you officially become an adult when you turn eighteen. That is when you can make your own dissentions and work were ever you want to. Although, in some jobs you can work when you are