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The golden serpent

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The golden serpent
Narrator: there was once a very wise man. He lived on a high mountain and was called Pundabi. With him lived a young boy. The boy's name was Ali.
(the camera is on a man with a long beard, with a boy sitting beside him) narrator: each morning ali would come down the mountain. He would sit on a shade of a fig tree . Many people would come to him. They brought him loavesof bread. In the bread were peices of fine linen.
(the camera is on a bread that is cut from the middle, and a linen paper is showing)
Narrator: There would be questions on the linen for the wise pundabi to answer. Each morning ali would climb the mountain and give the loaves of bread to pundabi. Pundabi would answer al the questions. Then they would eat the bread. Ali would take the answers down the mountain. One day a tall shadow fell across ali. It was the king himselve .
King: Are you ali ?
Ali: I am he
King: And you live with the wise man pundabi?
Ali: That is so
King: And it is true that he is very wise?
Ali: Yes it is true
King: Then you must bring him to my palace
(the camera is on ali's happy face)
Narrator: Ali went up the mountain to tell pundabi about the king's request. They came down. They set out for the palace. They reached another mountain. On the top of this mountain was the palace
King: I want you to solve a mystery for me, but 1st we have to have lunch
Narrator: He clapped his hands twice. 5 men brought in 5 trays of food. 2 of them were fot ali and pundabi 3 of them were for the king
King: I am very rich, ihave much gold and many rubies. and you pundabi, are very wise. I can pay you very well
Pundabi: What is the mystery?
King: I dont know, that is for you to discover!
Ali: How can pundabi solve a mystery, if there is none to solve?
King: If you are truly a wise man, it will be done. If you dont solve it I will throw you in jail
(the camera is on ali with his face about to explode ) pundabi: let us take a walk perhaps our eyes will speak to us
Narrator: they had a walk around the mountains ali: we will surely go to jail
Pundabi: we do know what yhe mystery is
King: have you solved the mystery yet?
Pundabi:NO, but we know what the mystery is, it is about the GOLDEN SERPENT
King: the golden serpent?
Pundabi:yes, where is your golden serpent?
King: i didnt know i had one
Pundabi: the king must be clever
King: you must find it for me
Pundabi: someone must have taken it to sell, let us go to the market
Narrator: the jing called his guards. and of they went to the market. in the market they came upon a boy, hewas turning wood
King: perhaps he took the golden serpent
Boy: i have no golden serpent, i could not run away with it my leg is bent from turning
Narrator: the guards searched him well. they looked in his blouse and the hay upon which he slept. they even looked at his bent leg
Guards: it is true, he has nothing he can hardly walk
Narrator: next they went in to the village. they stopped at a house of a widow
Pundabi: we are here to look for the golden serpent, wich was stolen from the king
Widow: i dont have it, i only have this cup of grain
Narrator: the king didnt trust her. so the guards searched her hut. they looked in the corners. they looked in the cupboards
Guards: it is true, she has nothing but this cup of grain
King: let us go from this dismal place
Narrator: out side the heard a strange cry of three men walked together
Pundabi: perhaps these are your thieves
King: these? why these they cannot see
Pundabi: how clever of them
Narrator: they stopped the three men and asked for the golden serpent
First man: no, i only have this stick for comfort
Second man: no, i only have this few coins i am given
Third man: no, i have but these two friends
Narrator: the king didnt trust them, sotheguards searched the three blind men
Guards: they have nothing, exept an eaten stick and some few coins. nothing more king: let us go back to the palace
Pundabi: but we havent found the golden serpent
King: i no longer want it, i will pay you and you can leave
Narrator: in the palace the king had his counters pay pundabi ingold coins
Pundabi: what about your people?
King: my people?
Ali: yes, the crippled boy, the widow, and the 3 blind beggars
( the camera is on the king remembering the 5 people he met)
King: what about Them, indeed! they didnt find my golden serpent
Pundabi: i have solved your mystery
King: you did ? how splendid
Pundabi: you have to close your eyes and count until 100 but make sure that you're alone in the room so that no one steals it
Narrator: the king began to count slowly as pundabi picked up his bag of gold and left the palace. he went down the steep hill. he gavesome of the gold to the crippled boy, the widow, and the 3 blind begars.
( the camera is on pundabi giving them money, but its shooted in a sad way)
Ali: pundabi, you are both wise and generous but there is 1 problem
Pundabi: what is it ?
Ali: when the king will open his eyes he will not find the golden serpent
Pundabi: no, somepeople never do. but this is another mystery.

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