With your team members, develop a training plan to increase the effectiveness of groups and teams through a discussion of the challenges and benefits of group and team communication, collaboration, and conflict management. This is not to be submitted. After developing the plan, individually, in a 1,050 word, APA formatted and referenced paper consider ways to apply the training program your team developed to the organization you researched in Week One. Describe how the program would work in that organization and how it would help or could have helped the organization succeed inste...…
With my group, at the very first class meeting, it seemed to me that most of the members knew each other and with that it created a relaxed atmosphere. With a relaxed…
* Session 1: Getting to know you; discussion of group norms; decision to use an open format with no chosen topics by the group leader (this is a bit alarming for Joe who has never led a group without topics); Joe has decided to learn from this experience with the help of his supervisor…
In this unit, I stress small group and large group discussion. I feel that learning is a social process and that by actively engaging students in the learning process rather than allowing them to be passive recipients of content, we are promoting…
One my way to the meeting I was feeling really anxious. I didn’t really know what to expect. I could imagine how many people would be there or what the energy would be like. I wondered if there would be tears, or laughter. If it would be happiness or solemn silence. I had never been to anything like that so I think the feeling was just me being completely unsure. I was also excited to see what it would be like. To hear what they had to say and to connect with them.…
This is not to state that every last aspect of my personality has changed; in fact, many personality traits haven’t changed at all. Although I am more sociable than I was in my adolescence, I am still for the most part on the quieter side. What I mean by this is that I’ve never really been the type of person to project my voice throughout an entire room unless absolutely necessary. I like to keep my conversations within my immediate group. Looking back on this…
To begin, the first two groups we had were extremely awkward. I wasn’t shocked at all because I expected it to be that way. I mean eight strangers, in one room, asked to just start talking…
Group interactions were interesting. This particular meeting was called a “newcomers” meeting which added another touch. I arrived early so I was able to observe the setting up, which was a valuable experience. The atmosphere of this meeting was warm, friendly, nonthreatening, and accommodating, even to the point that lighting was brought up. Members who knew each other were like a family sub-unit, impressive. As with any group, the newcomers were obvious, me included. The chairs in the room were arranged in a circle, conversely, there were chairs on the wall. Two newcomers sat in chairs on the wall and another newcomer and I sat in the circle. We were given a book, complimentary, about Al-Alon and the twelve steps. Everyone stated their name before they talked and were told “thank you” by all members when the speaker finished. One gentleman thought he went…
The type of meeting I decided to attend was an Alcoholics Anonymous held on campus by a fellow University of Cincinnati student. She said that she decided to begin to hold the meetings on the UC main campus because she has had a long history of being an alcoholic and she knew that out of a university of 30,000+ students, she could not be the only person suffering from this condition. There were two additional people who attended the meeting (a male and a female), as well as six classmates who were observing the meeting, and a baby (the child of the woman holding the meeting).…
I did not feel like anyone looked at me or judged me. I was not scared at that point because I realized the people in this meeting were not the scary or even close to what I had imagined. As I sat down I tried to just go with the flow of what others were doing: I noticed the coffee and donuts, and looked around a lot to just take in the whole idea. As the meeting began a pledge was spoken amongst everyone and I felt like it helped show that everyone was equal and there for their one desire. I was nervous because people were beginning to speak, I kept thinking what am I going to say. However, as people spoke I was so intrigued with their stories and situations that I lost focus on what I was going to say. I realized I did not have to speak and I would not be…
This essay is a reflection on my observation of how a group interacts with each other. The 12-step meeting I attended was Overeater’s Anonymous (OA). OA uses the same Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions as Alcoholics Anonymous, the words are changed from “alcoholic” to “compulsive overeater”. The meeting I went to had seven people in attendance even with this small of a group it was definitely a diverse group. All seven attendees were women whose ages ranged from a young college student to an elderly homemaker, there was a middle age professional (just left the office type), and a good old ranch gal boot wearing, hair in a braid ranch women. I was a bit nervous about being there but someone patted the seat next to herself and I immediately felt welcomed.…
Groups, like individuals are each unique with their own experiences and expectations. However many commentators studying group development and dynamics have…
At first I expected everyone to be serious and emotional about his or her stories, I was completely wrong. Everyone was laughing at each other’s stories and making funny comments. In most cases the person speaking had a funny story about when they were drunk. I was a bit confused on how people are suppose to get better from these meetings if all they do is joke around. One thing I did pick up from the meeting was…
I believe group sessions provide for positive peer interaction. The stages of a group, as indicated by Corey & Corey, seem to mirror that of which friendship formation evolves. The initial stage is a time of orientation and exploration. Norms are established, personal and group goals are set, and members are becoming acquainted. The transition stage consists of that of a testing ground where feelings of anxiety, defensiveness, and resistance are displayed. Like in friendships, one assesses that of the others' limits and capabilities. Finally, the working stage is where an environment of safety and trust has been established and work. I think participating in the group depicted in the “Evolution of a Group” video was difficult for some of its members, and there were some issues with trust amongst the participants. Some group members seemed to have stronger personalities and thus controlled the focus of the group. The group’s leaders recognized this factor and tried to facilitate more balance by encouraging less vocal members to discuss their feelings about comments made by the stronger personality types in the group. However, I don’t believe they were very effective in accomplishing balance, as evidenced by the reactions of some group members when a black woman from the group discussed her feelings about some of her experiences with the white women in the group. The response from one of the white women in the group was that now she could not trust this woman because she felt like she was being judged. I think this would have been a good opportunity for the group’s leaders to explain how it was ordinary for certain alliances to form within the group based on certain familiarities. I believe its important when running groups to always be aware of the my own feelings and to encourage group members to do the…
Moreover, I feel that being the youngest and most inexperienced person, also played a part in my selection of the quiet role. As the group progressed, I felt more comfortable suggesting ideas and towards the end sometimes took on the role as gatekeeper, particularly when a suggestion was offered that did not appear to align with our goal. The quiet role is one that I frequently play in other group situations; it is the nature of my personality as I sometimes feel uncomfortable with quick responses and generally take a little longer to process information. I think that I do this to ensure that my responses are helpful and well received. Unfortunately, this can sometimes makes other members uncomfortable; however, as they get to know me, they understand that this is my nature. I feel that this can be both a strength and challenge as I have a great ability to understand the other members, but also have to deal with the perception that being quiet is…