Ms.Jyotsna Bhatnagar ,
Assistant Professor, HR/OB
Institute for Integrated Learning in Management,(IILM)
3-Lodhi Institutional Area, Lodhi Road,
New Delhi-110003
Phone:91-011-4631033 ext.240
Management & Labour Studies, Vol.28, No.3, August 2003.
“There was a door to which I found no key
There was a veil through which I might not see”
Rubaiyat, Omar Khayyam
The trend in Indian Organizations, deeply involved in knowledge management*, is of leveraging the current status, rather than, exploring, discovering and creating new knowledge. Pharmaceutical, software,
Engineering sectors in India are at a sophisticated information storage and retrieval stage and are graduating to institutionalizing best practices in
Knowledge management, albeit slowly. (Rishikesha, 2001).
The learning context in such a scenario becomes single loop rather than double loop. Single loop learning , is the more adaptive learning context, while double loop learning occurs through generative learning, where the standard way of doing things are questioned(Argyris and Schon, 1978;
Schien, 1990). Knowledge programmes move from first generation to second generation.(McElroy,1999), using single and double loop learning.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*Knowledge management and organizational learning are inextricably intertwined and each one seeks to subsume the other within its confines
(Beaulieu, 2001). The current paper, supports this and treats organizational learning as the construct in which knowledge management is nested.
Drawing up distinctions within these fields is beyond the scope of this paper. Management & Labour Studies, Vol.28, No.3, August 2003.
Yet there are instances in the Indian industry where knowledge management has moved on from Single loop to double loop learning and it is
References: • Bailyn , L.,(1985) Beaulieu, A. (2001). Managing Knowledge :A review of the current Literature, The 2001 Annua l:Vol 2, Consulting, Jossey-Bass .Pfeiffer. EUROPE, Jan 25 to 26th, 2002’,University of Napier, Edinburgh, U.K. • Business Today, ‘The 25 Best Employers in India’, March 3, 2002:3859. • Chalofsky, N.(2001 a) across Europe. Edinburgh, Jan. 2002. • Gratton, L.(2000) • Harrigan, K.R., & Dalmia, G., (1994) • James, M.(1998).A glimpse of the future.Consultancy,May:30-32.