
The Hardships Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey

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The Hardships Of Odysseus In Homer's Odyssey
hailey hilby

Sometimes you have to go through the worst to reach the best. Describes all the hardships that Odysseus has to go through to eventually get home to his loving family. The text where Odysseus’s crew says “Captain, shake off this trance, and think of home-if home indeed await us, if we shall ever see your own well-timbered hall on ithaca. They made me feel a pang, and I agreed.”(pg.925)
For Odysseus getting home is reaching the best, that is also true for many veterans that fight for our country everyday. They risk their lives everyday just to have what we have everyday. Besides war there are other hardships that aren’t as extreme, but are still difficult to go through, i’m not gonna name them all,because there are way too

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