Part I: Vocabulary (20%)
You are responsible for the 51 words we covered. The exam will include a sentence completion section with a word bank, a sentence writing section, and a definition matching section.
Part II: Comma Use (6%)
You will be asked to correctly add commas to a paragraph of text using your understanding of the 8 comma rules.
Part III: Short Story/Literary Analysis (20%)
Read the attached short story and prepare to answer questions to demonstrate your understanding of the following terms. Not all will be found in the story.
1. theme
2. conflict (person vs. self, person, society, fate, nature)
3. symbolism
4. setting (time and place)
5. plot structure (exposition, rising action, inciting force, climax, falling action, resolution)
6. point of view (limited, objective, omniscient)
7. irony (situational, verbal, dramatic)
8. imagery
Part IV: Literary Devices (10%)
You will be given quotes from texts we have read and asked to identify and explain the literary device used.
Part V: Composition (44%)
Create an outline for ONE of the essay questions below. You will be assessed on the outline and allowed to use it on the exam to write a 4-6 paragraph essay that is structured around a clear thesis statement and uses specific examples from either An Abundance of Katherines or Whale Talk. See attached rubric.
LHS/ CTE Writing Rubric: Junior Midterm Exam
Students at Leominster High School and the Center for Technical Education will write effectively in clear and correct English for a variety of purposes and audiences.
Exceeds Standard
Meets Standard
Approaches Standard
Attempt Made
Insufficient Evidence
Formal outline is properly formatted and exceptionally detailed
Formal outline is properly formatted and sufficiently detailed
Formal outline is properly formatted with a couple exceptions and/or contains minimal detail
Formal outline is not properly