The next stage represents a long and perilous set of tests and ordeals that will also bring important moments of illumination and understanding” (Henderson 60). These trials are exemplified in Finding Nemo through challenge of Marlin going back into the field of jellyfish and enduring their stings to save Dory. Further on the hero is also tested when the pelican attempts to swallow him and Dory but prevails by lodging himself in the bird’s throat causing him to spit them
The next stage represents a long and perilous set of tests and ordeals that will also bring important moments of illumination and understanding” (Henderson 60). These trials are exemplified in Finding Nemo through challenge of Marlin going back into the field of jellyfish and enduring their stings to save Dory. Further on the hero is also tested when the pelican attempts to swallow him and Dory but prevails by lodging himself in the bird’s throat causing him to spit them