I. There are several activities that are involved at Hmong New Years. A. The game of love "Pov pob," or ball toss, involves lines or groups of men and women tossing a ball. 1. The ball is thrown so that the other player can catch it with one hand. If the throw is good and the other player drops or misses the ball, an ornament or a piece of silver or a belt from his or her costume is given to the opposite player in the pair. Ornaments are recovered by singing traditional courting songs to the opposite player. 2. Girls can toss the ball with other girls or boys, but boys cannot toss the ball with boys. It is also taboo to toss the ball to someone of the same clan. Through playing this game, the youngsters get to know each other, forming relationships that may eventually lead to marriage. a. According to Liz Price who wrote the article call The Hmong Game of Love on the webpage thestar.com, she stated, “Throw the ball and catch a husband. If you see a boy you like, toss the ball to him and hope he returns it. But if you don’t like your potential partner, then drop the ball he throws you.” The next activity is…
B. The beauty contest is held every at Hmong New Year. This contest offers young ladies a chance to show off their talent and skills to the whole community. 1. The rules for the contest are that you cannot be married and if you win first place you will be "Miss Hmong" for one whole year until the next "Miss Hmong" is chosen. The contest usually runs for three days and is held during the New Year celebration.
C. There are also sports tournaments involving soccer, volleyball and kato for