The group’s goal is to take their gold back …show more content…
But then the orcs find them again and almost kill them but then some elfs come out of nowhere and kill the orcs. I also like it how Bilbo ended up getting out of his comfort zone to help the dwarfs. What I didn’t like is how the beginning of the movie is kind of boring. I also didn’t like how Gandalf abandoned them like a million times to get help or something else.
I learned that sometimes it is a good thing to go out of your comfort zone. Because when you go out of your comfort zone you can find new things. You also can do more things because you are going outside of your normal routine. Another thing that happens when you go outside of your comfort zone you can get more things done. So it is always better to go outside of your comfort zone then to stay in it.
I liked the dwarfs the best for many reasons. One reason is the dwarfs are nice. Another reason is they went through hell and so they are trying to get back onto their feet from the fall of their kingdom. The main reason though on why I like the dwarfs the most is because the elfs abandoned them and they still didn’t give up. And the orcs attacked them after smaug and they didn’t give