1. Introduction
1.1. Background of the study
Some oral traditions claim that khat originated from Yemen, however the literature indicates that khat originated from Ethiopia, specifically in Hararge with a gradual expansion to different parts of Ethiopia, Yemen and other parts of the world as cited by Huffnagel in1961 (Dechassa ,2001).
In Ethiopia khat is an important and potentially lucrative cash crop. The employment opportunity created through the cultivation of khat is very high in that large numbers of people are involved in growing, harvesting, sorting, packing, transporting, loading and unloading the commodity (Dechasa, 2001)
Many literatures explain that growing and chewing khat have both economic advantages and disadvantages. Similarly many researchers conclude that chewing khat has impact on health and on others social issues. Consuming khat juice from young leaves stimulates brain and spinal cord (through synapses) resulting in the desirable effects (as cited by Dechassa from Kalix, 1984), which are perceived by addicted individuals. The pleasurable effects are relief from fatigue, euphoria, increased alertness and energy level, feelings of excitement, improved ability to communicate, enhanced imaginative ability and capacity to associate ideas and heightened self-confidence ( Abebe, 2004)
The objective of this study is to analyze on the impact of chewing khat and the prevalence on in and out of school youth. In this study we will try to identify which age groups are highly participated in khat consumption, why an individual’s chew khat and the resource wasted and time elapsed in chewing khat. The out comes of the study will have the significance for the developing understanding about the subject, paving the way for future research and development by development agencies, researchers, extension agents, policy makers and other interested stakeholders.