• Malay, Chinese, Tamil and English are the major languages spoken by the different ethnic groups in Malaysia.
• Due to the British colonization, the English language once has become the official language of the country.
• In 1956, Malay language was given the status of national language in The Razak Report, and supported by The Rahman Talib Report in 1960.
• Both reports became the basis of the Education Act 1961, which states that the national language (Malay language) is the main medium of instruction and phasing out English in the education system.
• By the end of 1980, the conversion from English to Malay-medium in secondary schools was completed. It has become the language of communication at all levels, both in formal or informal settings.
• There was an increase in the number of school leavers who were more proficient in the national language (Malay Language) and less proficient in the English language.
• The country has acknowledged the importance of maintaining the standard of English language among the people in the country. This is reflected in the Third Malaysian plan, where it is stated that `while the government will implement vigorously the teaching of Bahasa Melayu (Malay Language), measures will be taken to ensure that English is taught as a strong second language. This is important if Malaysia is to keep abreast of scientific and technological developments in the world and participate meaningfully in international trade and commerce' (Third Malaysian Plan 1976-1980, 1976: 397).
• Recognition of the importance of the English language has also forced the government to allow English as the alternative medium of instruction in all higher institutions in the country when and where it is necessary.
• Consequently, in 1993 the provision gives allowance to science subjects, especially engineering and medicine, to be