2. Aim:
Through analyzing all the data collected to determine the importance of building the third runway in HKIA for enhancing the Hong Kong’s aviation position.
3. Objectives:
To identify the current Hong Kong aviation’s position in Asian.
To find out reasons of building third runway in HKIA for showing the importance to enhancing the Hong Kong aviation’s position.
To find out the actual usage of the third runway
To review the competition (other airports) in aviation near Hong Kong.
To compare the other factor for how to promote the position.
To find out the opinion of building third runway. by different people through the questionnaire
4. Background:
The introduction of building the third runway
According to the Airport Authority (AA) announced the "Hong Kong International Airport Master Plan2030", HKIA’s passenger and cargo traffic will be reach the maximum of capacity by in 2020, it will not meet the new air traffic demand.[Ref: HKIA Master Plan 2030]
According to the HKIA Master Plan 2030, there are two plans (Two Runway System and three Runway System) for handling the problems
References: 1) Dr Chung Kwok Law, Professor Michael Fung, Professor JaphetLaw,DickyTse, Ka Yan Chan (2007 ) < HKIA’s third runway- The Key for enhance Hong Kong’s aviation position> www6.cityu.edu.hk/garc/ARC/ARCfile/PF/...files/Vincent_li.pdf 2) Current challenges and future strategies (2010) <Airport Systems Planning, design and management> P.369 4) Moshe Givoni and David Banister (2008) 5) Airports council international: ACI World Airport development news (2011) http://www.aci.aero/aci/aci/file/ADN%20-%20Momberger/2011/ACI-2-11.pdf 6) Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (2011-8-17) http://www.cgcc.org.hk/en/chamber/positionpaper/positionpaper_content.aspx?id=1171 7) Wen wei po newspaper (2010) http://paper.wenweipo.com/2010/12/06/WW1012060002.htm 9) AsiaoneNews (2011) http://www.asiaone.com/News/Latest+News/Relax/Story/A1Story20110602-282116.html 11) Peter Rooke and Michael H. Wiehen (1999) <Hong Kong: The Airport Core Program and the Absence of Corruption> http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN013116.pdf 12) Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) internet Shipping Gazette (7th June,2011)