Primarily the emphasis would be on content, redefining work already performed in existing curriculums. Existing methodologies engaging youth to be civically responsive could also be garnered thereby further minimizing initial costs. This concept should begin in first grade where at a minimum a series of civically minded books are read to the students, perhaps ones that exemplify children who have made social contributions. In that way, the overall plan could model inspiration, followed by knowledge then appropriate action. Building on exposure, every year knowledge of civics should be expanded while providing methodologies for engagement. Personalizing children’s aspect of the community could also be introduced, for instance, as children are introduced to maps they can gain an understanding of the city in which they live. Subsequently, students could learn to identify their closest neighborhood association and community resources thereby establishing a positive to connection to their community. Moreover, every year through core classes such as English, History and Reading examples of civic engagement could be intertwined thus widening their view of government and citizen involvement. Children’s social connections should also incorporate the concept of what it means to be a good citizen. However, knowledge does not always equal power or opportunity. There are …show more content…
By teaching, and engaging children from all income levels in the democratic process may help redistribute political power between wealthy and poor. Currently, wealthy people are more engaged by making cash donations and through giving personal time thereby controlling and dominating the political arenas (Verba, Schlozman, & Brady). Poorer people contribute less time and money as well as voting less, furthermore permitting disengagement from political agendas (Verba, Schlozman, & Brady). The combined force of social, economic, and financial status has a direct influence on political agendas, but by fostering future adult participation, more groups of people will be represented politically. The more exposure that youth have on government the more they will be involved as adults perhaps lessening apathy encouraging more people to vote and participate in government. Youth should be provided an opportunity for positive social activity that is community